
CofE Primary School

Feeding Minds, Touching Hearts

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  • Marvellous Monday 27th September

    Mon 27 Sep 2021

    What a fantastic, sunny week we had last week. A big well done to all the children for all their hard work. It was lovely to spend time in lots of different classes and see how settled and focused all the children are. Last week we looked at our whole school value of forgiveness and considered the theme of International Day of Peace thinking of how we can rebuild our world to be a more equitable place.  This week we are looking at service- something we know Gunthorpe children are superb at!  A big thank you for all the values slips, it is such a pleasure to celebrate when children achieve awards or push themselves to be more determined at home.  Please do keep sending them in.


    On to our brilliant book:


    Infant 1- Marcel, you have been working so hard in maths and showing Mrs Findlay how  you can apply this in lots of different contexts.

    Molly- even though you weren't here today Mrs Findlay wanted to give you a special certificate for your reading. Even though you are only in preschool you are already on word time 5 because you are so determined and keep on practising at home. Well done Molly!

    Jasmine- you are so enthusiastic and full of confidence, it has been so lovely to see you blossom and share all your fantastic ideas how you are in reception. Keep it up!


    Infant 2: Jimmy - you have settled so well into the new routine in Infant 2 and Mrs Owen is really enjoying getting to know you.  Keep on trying to always do your best.

    Wade- you have blown Mrs Owen away this week Wade by a real determination to put in 100% effort into everything you do. You will achieve so much if you keep on doing this.


    Junior 1: Lissie- well done for your fantastic art work this week, taking your time to include detail and think carefully about the shading.

    Ella S- your horrid henry story really impressed Mrs Brown and Miss Bottrell this week.  You have really shown what you are capable of and I know both your teachers can't wait to read it when it is finished.


    Junior 2: Toby and Megan - well done to both of you for your fantastic work multiplying and dividing whole numbers and decimals by 10 and 100. Not an easy task but one you have both mastered so well done!

  • Marvellous Monday 20th September

    Wed 22 Sep 2021

    A huge well done to all the children who worked so hard last week. It was great to hear all about all the fantastic things they had been up to, many children were chosen for demonstrating the value we were focusing on last week which was friendship.


    This week we are looking at forgiveness and on Tuesday 21st September it was the International Day of Peace.  We looked together at what peace meant, how it could be spread throughout the world and our school.  


    On to our brilliant book...


    Infant 1- Florence- Mrs Findlay was blown away last Friday when she heard you read all of word time 1 beautifully.  It is so exciting when children start to be able to read independently, keep on practising at home Florence!

    Layla A- Mrs Findlay couldn't help but choose you this week because you are such a kind friend.  You go out of your way to help everyone in your class and make sure everyone is happy and has someone to play with. Thank you for being so generous.


    Infant 2- Ava - you were also in the brilliant book for friendship.  You look out for everyone, including Mrs Owen, and you are always willing to help others when needed.

    Sebby- you are the writer of the week for Infant 2.  You worked so hard, concentrated on using all your sounds and really impressed Mrs Owen last week with your writing. What a super star.


    Junior 1- Cara - you have been chosen for your superb attitude. You always give 100% effort to everything you do and are so determined.

    Alyssa- Your writing is what really impressed Mrs Brown and Miss Bottrell last week. You learnt all about fronted adverbials and managed to use them really successfully. Keep it up!

    Ella- you were Mrs Brown's super scientist this week. You made sensible predictions and she was so impressed with your ability to articulate what you had found out.


    Junior 2- Mr Tyler choose Amy for her Maths this week. It was such a pleasure to see Amy's face light up because she knows Maths is a subject she has to try really hard in. It has been noticed Amy and you are doing really well!

    Evie- your brilliant highway man writing impressed this week, you used a range of different devices in your writing and it read beautifully.

    Frances- Mr Tyler was very impressed with your scientific skills when working on electrical circuits last week.  You were carefully and considerate and that helped you be successful!


    Well done to everyone who got a certificate, I am sure this week will be equally brilliant!

  • Marvellous Monday 13th September

    Mon 13 Sep 2021

    Welcome to the first Marvellous Monday blog post of the year.  It has been such a fantastic first full week back and teachers really struggled to choose just 2 children to put in the brilliant book- what a great position to be in!


    Last week we looked at determination and how taking one step at a time can help you achieve.  What better example of that than Emma Raducanu's superb success in the US open final.  This week we will be looking at our whole school value of friendship.  We had 4 values slips returned already this week which will be put in our new Values book and 3 of them were for friendship.  


    On to our brilliant book...


    Infant 1- A big well done to Layla and Leyla!  They have drawn some beautiful self portraits and included lots of details that show they really took care and made them recognisable as themselves.  I love Layla's eye lashes and Leyla's long hair!


    Infant 2- Kitty, Mrs Owen has been so impressed by how well you have settled into life in Infant 2 and the effort you have put into all your work so far.  Well done.
    Archie - your writing has really impressed all the teachers in Infant 2, you always take such care over the presentation and you also included some superb adjectives.


    Junior 1- A bit well done to Seb, Freddie, Anders and Georgie!  

    Seb- your writing including a range of different prepositions was excellent, especially since you have only just been introduced to what these are in year 3!

    Freddie- you have had your hand up all week to answer all Mrs Brown and Miss Botrell's questions and shown a real determination to do your best.

    Anders- you always demonstrate our value of friendship in the class room and on the playground making sure no one is ever left out and

    Georgie- your maths blew Mrs Brown and Miss Botrell away.  Using all those concrete resources as well as pictorial images to help you be successful. Keep it up :)


    Junior 2- A big well done to Krishan and Henry for their maths work placing 5 digit numbers on a number line and rounding up the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and 10 000!  Looking in your books showed me how determined you have both been to succeed last week and do your best.

    Isobel and Zac your written recount on a day in the holidays also impressed Mr Tyler, even if you couldn't remember what you had written about Zac!  To be fair the summer holidays do feel a long time ago now!


    Our prayer for this week is that the good weather will continue, if you haven't had a chance to please do read the school newsletter sent out on Thursday. 

    Mrs Claire Bills

  • Welcome back!

    Thu 09 Sep 2021

    A big warm welcome back to both those families returning this September and lots of new families.  We hope the start of term has felt smooth, the atmosphere around school is absolutely wonderful.  The buzz of learning and children enjoying being back without bubbles is truely special.


    This week we have started by thinking about what a habit is and how developing helpful healthy habits can change us to become the best possible version of ourself.  Each week this half term we will look at a different value so the children can get a good idea of what is at the heart of our school.  


    Over the summer we had a significant amount of building work to the front entrance.  This is now nearly complete but we hope you agree it looks really smart.  It has also created a really lovely open space for children to work when teachers need a break out room or space for small groups.  


    On the playground we used to have one circular bench that had seen far better days- sadly it fell apart! A big thank you to FoGS who have kindly funded the replacement of 2 lovely big benches.  They look great and are already being used at playtime and dinner time.


    Classes are already straight into their new topics and every class should have sent out a newsletter now letting you know what your child will be learning about.  Please do use class email addresses to stay in touch with teachers if you are not able to catch them at the start or end of the school day.


    We look forward to a fantastic year at Gunthorpe.


    Mrs Bills
