Off By Heart Poetry
This year we took part in an Aspire wide event, developing oracy and giving children the opportunity to develop their speaking and listening skills within the classroom. The whole school tookpart in reciting poetry, from a given list as set out by each child’s class teacher.
Speaking and listening has a high profile in the National Curriculum, especially learning poems and rhymes. There are many benefits to learning a poem off by heart (which is different to learning by rote) and as the poet, Ian Bland says, “It will stick in the minds of your children forever giving them a little cultural sign post pointing back into their experiences at school…They will take these poems home and amaze their family and friends with their flair for memory and applying drama and actions… In short, they will be learning and fired up to explore a new and wonderful world of poetry and creativity.” We also know that any opportunity to perform can improve public speaking, build confidence and offer a chance to display our school value of Determination.
The children were absolutely amazing and we are delighted to be able to share some videos of the winners from each year group performing their poems

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6