
CofE Primary School

Feeding Minds, Touching Hearts

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Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Junior Production

    Wed 17 Jul 2024

    This evening our Junior children performed 'Let Loose' a fantastic play about a school's residential trip. All of our children were amazing. They sang out beautifully and put so much expression and commitment into their acting, we are so proud of them. 

  • The Canal and River Trust Visit

    Thu 11 Jul 2024

    A big thank you to The Canal and River Trust who joined us today to talk about water safety. 

  • Pirate Day

    Thu 11 Jul 2024

    What a fantastic day our infants had today creating treasure maps, pirate hats, icing biscuits, hook a duck, creating their own pirate name and having a go at pirate songs and shanty dancing.

  • Spanish Club

    Tue 09 Jul 2024

    Well done to all the children in our Spanish club.  Some of the children completed the first year of their Spanish programme and received their certificates today.  Some of our Year 6 pupils completed their programme and received medals to celebrate their hard work and commitment. 

  • Rock UK Residential July 2024

    Sun 07 Jul 2024

    Junior 2 had a great few days at Rock UK's Frontier Centre.

    There are more photos on the Junior 2 class page.

  • A wonderful afternoon of sport!

    Thu 20 Jun 2024

    What a wonderful sports day! 

    It began with all our children taking part in a range of athletic events involving running, jumping and throwing. As they worked around the different stations they were able to collect points for their teams and try a range of different activities. We then ended the day with some more formal races including running, egg and spoon and the sack race. Well done to all our children for showing such respect and friendship to each other and a big thank you to all our parents for coming to support their children and help with scoring. 

  • Euros Football Tournament

    Wed 19 Jun 2024

    What a fantastic day to be in our school!

    Today we played our Gunthorpe Euros Football tournament. Our four teams were France, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium and every child in our school took part. All the children demonstrated great sportsmanship and respect for each other and supported their team mates throughout. The whole morning was a pleasure to be part of and filled all the staff with pride. Congratulations to France who won the competition.

  • Mrs Shipman - Farewell

    Thu 13 Jun 2024

    Mrs Shipman, our lovely business manager has left today to start a job closer to home. We will miss her and wish her well. We are sure she will pop in and see us soon.

  • Goodbye Mrs Stewart

    Fri 24 May 2024

    Mrs Stewart leaves us today to begin her maternity leave. We will miss her in school  and wish her all the best - we can't wait to meet her new addition. 

  • PSHE Day

    Thu 23 May 2024

    Thank you to the Corum Life Education team who visited us today to work across all our classes, focusing on personal development themes.
