
CofE Primary School

Feeding Minds, Touching Hearts

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Whole School Values


Our School Vision


At Gunthorpe, we always do our best and let our light shine. We do this by growing our understanding of the world that God created, our place in it, our value to it and our responsibility for it. We live this out through our Christian values of forgiveness, service, determination, respect and friendship.

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.


Our Whole School Values


Our distinctly Christian whole school values are: Determination, Service, Respect, Forgiveness and Friendship.  These were selected by the whole school community including staff, parents and pupils.  Underneath each of these values sits 6 habits.  These are the ways children can demonstrate these values. Children collect stickers on their values cards when they are ‘caught’ displaying these habits.  Over time, if children consistently develop the habits of each of these values we demonstrate how it can be  a way of life for them.


Each value is also under pinned by a biblical story or principle.  We hope that by the time the children leave Gunthorpe they will have grown to have a deeper understanding not only of the biblical story but of the meaning behind that story and why it is so important to Christians.


These are the habits for each value:

Service: Luke 10: 33&37

But the Samaritan as he travelled came where the man was; and when he saw him he took compassion on him… Go and do likewise.

 1. Help others   2. Work as a team    3. Take responsibility    

4. Make the world a better place      5. Take time for others       6. Go the extra mile


Determination:  Luke 15:7

And when he finds it he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. He says “Rejoice with me, I have found my lost sheep!”

1. I can/I will    2. Be brave      3. Grow your confidence    

4. Always try your hardest     5. Keep going, never give up   6. Success isn’t easy, rise to the challenge


Respect: Genesis 2:15

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

1. Celebrate being different   2. Value everybody   3. Take care of God’s world   4. Manners matter     5. Treat all property with care  6. Remember you are important too.


Forgiveness: Genesis 50:21

Joseph not only forgave them; he offered them kindness, reassured them and spoke kindly to them.

1.  Listen to each other to understand  2. One step at a time    3. Accept we don’t always make the right choice   4. Forgive and forget    5. Let it go and move on  6. SHOW you are sorry


Friendship: Luke 6:31
Do to others as you would have them do to you.

1. Sharing and giving  2. Caring and loving   3. Helpful and kind   4.  Have fun and laugh together  5. Trust   6. Listen to each other


