
CofE Primary School

Feeding Minds, Touching Hearts

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Junior 2

Welcome to Junior 2!


Junior 2 is a mixed year 5/6 class and their teacher is Mr Tyler.

Earth & Space Day at Southwell Minster - Wednesday 16th October

Year 6 Southwell Minster 'Stepping Up' Friday 12th July

Well done to our Y6 pupils who have completed their lunch time Spanish programme.

Rock UK Residential July 2024 - Archery

Summer Term: Drawing - Making My Voice Heard


Dear Parents,


I hope you have all had a great good half term holiday.  We have an extremely busy half term ahead of us with Year 5s completing their end of year assessments, Year 6s working towards their end of year writing assessments, our play “Let Loose” and we have our residential to Rock Uk’s Frontier Centre to look forward to in July as well. 


Firstly, I would like to remind all Junior 2 parents that there is a meeting in Junior 2 at 3.20pm this Thursday, 6th June, where you will be provided with more information about our Rock UK residential


During this half term in Junior 2, will be learning about ‘The Maya Civilisation’, which will include lessons on meeting the Maya; gods and religion; the Maya number system; exploration and discovery; Maya writing; and food.  We will also be learning about Ancient Greece, which will include lessons on who the ancient Greeks were; democracy; the ancient Olympics; the Battle of Marathon; and the Trojan War.


In English, we have started by looking at persuasive writing, thinking about recycling.  We will then be using the books ‘Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson, and ‘Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish’ by Michael Foreman as inspiration, to help us create posters and write stories.  In maths, we will be looking at properties of shapes, converting units of measurements; perimeter, area and volume; and statistics.


In science this term, we will be learning about life cycles, describing the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird, as well as describing the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.

For this half term, Junior 2 have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  On Tuesdays, the children will be doing Outdoor, Adventurous Activity, which will involve orienteering with Mr Tyler.  On Wednesdays, we have Mr Geeves from Premier Education working with us, delivering tennis.  Year 6 also have an extra PE lesson this half term on a Thursday, when they will be working with another coach from Premier Education doing Danish Long Ball, which they have voted for.  Therefore, Year 5 children need to come to school in their PE kits on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Year 6 pupils need to come to school in their PE kits on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  After school, on Tuesdays this half term, there is also an after school netball club, being run by Mrs Owen (a letter about this has gone home with the children today – please encourage your child to sign up for this). 


In RE, we will be looking at answering the question ‘How do religions and beliefs respond to global issues of human rights, fairness, social justice and the importance of the environment?’.  In French, we will be finishing off our unit of work on be ‘School Life’, before moving on to shopping.  In computing, we will be looking at programming using Scratch and micro:bit.


On a Wednesday afternoon, Mrs Richardson will be teaching Design and Technology in Junior 2.  The unit of work in D & T is looking at mechanical systems to create a pop-up book.


For homework this half term, all children will have maths homework given on Mathletics, which will be set before each weekend and is to be completed by the following Friday.  Bug Club reading comprehension homework will be set on a regular basis where the children will be set a book and be given a deadline for when it needs to be completed by. Please support and encourage your child to complete this homework to the best of their ability and to a high standard.  There is also an expectation that children read at home each week both independently and to an adult, with the minimum requirement recorded in your child’s planner (they can always read more than this).  To show the reading has been completed, please sign your child’s reading pages for Friday each week. 


The children will continue to be given 20 spellings and will have 2 weeks to learn the spellings, before being tested every other Monday.  We will be working on the spelling rules and patterns in school, but please support and encourage your child to learn their spellings at home too.  All of this term’s spellings and the dates of the tests are on the class page of the school website. 


The children will be given their parts for our summer production ‘Let Loose’ this week.  Please help your child to learn their lines at home.  The children will also be given song words this week to learn as well – the songs are on the Junior 2 page of the school website.  Information on what the children need to wear for the performance will be sent out in the next couple of weeks.


Please make sure your child has a water bottle in school, so that they can keep hydrated as the weather gets warmer.


If you have any questions or would like to speak to me, please contact the school office if it is of an urgent nature.  If it is not urgent, please email which I will be checking weekly.


Kind Regards


Mr J. Tyler


Monday 17th June - Y5/6 Golf Skills Festival at Radcliffe-on-Trent Golf Club

Wednesday 24th April - Y5/6 Handball Festival at South Nottinghamshire Academy

Junior 2's Design & Technology - Electronic Cards

Tuesday 12th March - Y5/6 Indoor Games Festival at Toot Hill School

Tuesday 12th March - Aspire Science Day - Spaghetti and Marshmallow Towers

Wednesday 28th February - Y5/6 Indoor Rowing Festival at South Wolds Academy

Thursday 8th February - Y5/6 Rushcliffe Sports Hall Athletics Final at West Bridgford School

DAaRT FAQs for parents/carers

Friday 19th January - Rushcliffe Cross Country Championship at Rushcliffe Country Park

Tuesday 9th January - Winners of the Rushcliffe Indoor Athletics Small School Heat

Junior 2's Design & Technology - Stuffed Toys

Thursday 30th November - Y5/6 Bikeability Level 1

Tuesday 10th October - Y5/6 Touch Rugby Festival at Nottingham Rugby Club

Monday 9th October - Flintham 6 - 3 Gunthorpe

Our school football team played their first match of the year away at Flintham Primary School on Monday.  It was an exciting game with Flintham winning 6-3.  A great effort from our team and a big thank you to all of the parents who came along to support.

Monday 9th October - Thank you to Allen Richmond from the Rotary club for presenting dictionaries to our Y5 children

The National Holocaust Centre - Friday 29th September
