School swimming
Wednesday 17th July
Dear Parents,
Next school year, school swimming will take place during the Autumn Term on Tuesday afternoons at the Bingham Arena swimming pool. Each week we will be collected by coach at 1pm, with the lesson starting at 1.30pm until 2.30pm. We will arrive back at school before the end of the school day.
We will be taking the children in Years 1, 2, 5 & 6 for the whole term to provide a longer more meaningful block of swimming time for the children. The first swimming session will be on Tuesday 10th September and the final swimming session will be on Tuesday 10th December.
Please ensure your child has their swimwear and towel each week. Boys require tight fitting trunks (not shorts). Girls require a snug-fitting one-piece swimsuit.
All jewellery must be removed. Swimming Instructors, school teachers and observers are not allowed to do this for your child. Earrings cannot be taped over or be covered by a hat - they must be removed. The only exception for this is during the 6-8 week healing period after having ears pierced – in this case, an earrings consent form must have been completed and handed in to school.
Long hair has the tendency to fall forward, covering the eyes when wet and must be covered with a swimming cap.
Goggles can be worn, however, it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to ensure that the child is able to adjust and fit the goggles correctly. In order for your child to wear goggles, we need a goggles consent form returned to school once we are back in September.
The goggles form, earrings form and ‘School Swimming Guidance for Parents’ are attached and also available on the school website. Please print off the relevant forms from the website and return to school. If you are unable to do this and require a paper copy of either consent form, please let school know in September.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr Tyler at the start of term.
Kind Regards
Mr J. Tyler