Marvellous Monday 13th September
Welcome to the first Marvellous Monday blog post of the year. It has been such a fantastic first full week back and teachers really struggled to choose just 2 children to put in the brilliant book- what a great position to be in!
Last week we looked at determination and how taking one step at a time can help you achieve. What better example of that than Emma Raducanu's superb success in the US open final. This week we will be looking at our whole school value of friendship. We had 4 values slips returned already this week which will be put in our new Values book and 3 of them were for friendship.
On to our brilliant book...
Infant 1- A big well done to Layla and Leyla! They have drawn some beautiful self portraits and included lots of details that show they really took care and made them recognisable as themselves. I love Layla's eye lashes and Leyla's long hair!
Infant 2- Kitty, Mrs Owen has been so impressed by how well you have settled into life in Infant 2 and the effort you have put into all your work so far. Well done.
Archie - your writing has really impressed all the teachers in Infant 2, you always take such care over the presentation and you also included some superb adjectives.
Junior 1- A bit well done to Seb, Freddie, Anders and Georgie!
Seb- your writing including a range of different prepositions was excellent, especially since you have only just been introduced to what these are in year 3!
Freddie- you have had your hand up all week to answer all Mrs Brown and Miss Botrell's questions and shown a real determination to do your best.
Anders- you always demonstrate our value of friendship in the class room and on the playground making sure no one is ever left out and
Georgie- your maths blew Mrs Brown and Miss Botrell away. Using all those concrete resources as well as pictorial images to help you be successful. Keep it up :)
Junior 2- A big well done to Krishan and Henry for their maths work placing 5 digit numbers on a number line and rounding up the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and 10 000! Looking in your books showed me how determined you have both been to succeed last week and do your best.
Isobel and Zac your written recount on a day in the holidays also impressed Mr Tyler, even if you couldn't remember what you had written about Zac! To be fair the summer holidays do feel a long time ago now!
Our prayer for this week is that the good weather will continue, if you haven't had a chance to please do read the school newsletter sent out on Thursday.
Mrs Claire Bills