Fantastic Friday
Friday 10th January 2025
Infant 1
Alfie - For being a superstar dancer in P.E. this week. Alfie listen and focused through the whole PE lesson, joining in and copying all the moves. Well done!
Ophelia -For taking care of her writing -our super sentence writer this week.
Ophelia was able to remember our sentence and write it all by herself. Well done!
Infant 2
Isaiah - For having a really good week! He has tried really hard to focus, has written some excellent sentences and has listened well. Well done Isaiah, keep it up!
Madison - For showing lots of care and being a lovely friend to one of our new preschoolers. Well done!
Junior 1
Oliver and Theo - For taking care of their science this week. They both labelled their plant really carefully and volunteered to answer lots of questions. They have both shown a brilliant attitude to their work and completed tasks carefully.
Ben - For taking care of his English work this week. He has enjoyed learning about Greek myths and has been full engaged, making some very thoughtful comments in discussions.
Cole - For taking care of his maths this week. He has been working hard on his times tables, answering questions and setting his work out neatly. Well done!
Junior 2
Lillie-Mae, Seb and Dylan - For taking care of their maths work. They all did excellent work ordering groups of fractions with different denominators.
Luschen - For taking care of his maths work. He did excellent work adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.
Have a look at our brilliant children 'taking care' each Friday as we celebrate their successes!
Friday 13th December
Infant 1
William, Freya and Dexter - For some careful cutting and drawing when completing their snowman cards.
Infant 2
Corey - For having an all-round absolutely brilliant week! Corey has been engaged, focused and full of enthusiasm this week. He stepped up and took on an extra role in the Nativity play and he produced some fantastic work too.
Skye - For being incredibly determined and enthusiastic this week whilst practicing and performing in the Nativity play. He also planned and wrote a wonderful story using amazing creative language. Well done Skye!
Georgia and Evie - For fantastic work in swimming this term. Both girls have been in a group with year 5/6 children and have put in so much determination, effort and enthusiasm. they should both be really proud of themselves.
Junior 1
Elodie and Nina - For both taking care of their singing in the Christmas performance. They both learnt their words very quickly and always sing beautifully. Well done!
Florence - For taking care of her maths work. Florence is trying really hard to learn her three and four times tables and her hard work is paying off. Keep going!
Junior 2
Alyssa and Henry - for taking care of their maths work. Both did excellent work comparing fractions with different denominators.
Friday 6th December
Infant 1
Beau and Arlo - They were able to make a simple electrical circuit all by themselves and then carefully drew a diagram of their circuits, including each part. Well done!
Infant 2
Georgia - For writing an incredible story this week. She used creative adjectives, brilliant conjunctions and even snuck in some commas in the right places! Incredible work.
Ella - For doing an amazing show off write in English this week. She listened carefully and produced an incredible piece of work with full stops, capital letters and conjunctions. Well done!
Junior 1
Wade - Language lover of the week.
The Whole Class - For determination in English this week. The whole class showed great determination and stamina in writing their Snowman stories. In addition they were all fantastic at the Jingle Jog this morning showing determination there too!
Junior 2
Ben and Phoebe - For taking care of their topic work. They both wrote very impressive diary extracts from the point of view of a WW1 soldier about the Christmas truce.
Friday 29th November
Infant 1
Tiger-Lilly - For taking care of her writing. Tiger-Lilly wrote a fantastic independent letter to Santa and even included something for her brother - some shampoo!! Well done Tiger.
Infant 2
Poppy - Foe showing amazing acts of friendship this week. She has shared well,been a kind friend and has been really generous. Well done Poppy!
Molly - For being patient and kind to others in the classroom. Molly often volunteers to help out in the classroom and is always demonstrating our school values. Well done!
Junior 1
Pippa - For some fantastic descriptive writing in English. Pippa is trying so hard and applying the skills she has been taught. Super work!
Kitty - For taking care of her friends on Christmas Craft day. Kitty worked so carefully and when she had finished her decoration she went to help another child finish theirs. What a lovely friend!
Leyla - For taking care of her learning in P.E. Leyla showed great determination this week, seeing how far she could jump from a standstill. She worked on her technique and did really well.
Junior 2
Jake -For taking care of his topic work. Jake wrote an excellent diary entry about the World War One Christmas Truce, from the point of view of a soldier.
William - For taking care of his English work. William showed a very good understanding of the difference between standard and non-standard English.
Friday 22nd November
Infant 1
Arlo and Ophelia - For taking care of their art work They both created lovely night time scenes based on ‘The Starry Night’ by Van Gogh. Well done!
Infant 2
Isaiah- For excellent focus in our Science lesson this week. Isaiah showed great curiosity when looking at the five senses. he asked questions, took part in the activities sensibly and made some brilliant predictions.
Scarlet - For showing some brilliant skills in our D&T lesson this week. Scarlet chopped, grated, spread and snipped different ingredients independently and sensibly. Well done!
Junior 1
Jasmine and Theo - For taking care of their science work this week. They were both very knowledgeable about the different food groups and drew fantastic examples of each food type. Well done!
Miles - for taking care of his guided reading work. Miles always contributes well in lessons and this week sped through the question sheet and the extension task as well! Miles always reads the questions carefully and offers sensible answers. Well done!
Oliver - Mrs Brown's language lover of the week - For excellent work in French.
Junior 2
Gareth - For taking care of his work in maths. Gareth performed brilliantly in the end of unit multiplication and division test this week scoring 100%
Frankie - For taking care of his work in maths. Frankie performed brilliantly in the end of unit multiplication and division test this week scoring 95%
Letrell and Lauren - For taking care of their maths work. They both demonstrated a reall good understanding of dividing by 10,100 and 1000. Well done!
Friday 15th November
Infant 1
Beau and Alfie - For taking care of their maths work. They were both able to confidently make different arrangements of 4.
Infant 2
Madison - For concentrating really hard when using the pattern blocks copying a picture of a butterfly and a flower. Well done!
Corey -For working really hard reading and writing sentences independently. Well done
Junior 1
Layla - For taking care of her Maths. Layla has continued to work hard and be amazing. Well done!
Wade - For taking care of someone new to school. Wade has been an excellent friend this week making our new child feel so welcome and included.
Sebby For taking care of your R.E. work this week. Sebby created a fantastic Christmas card design based on John's gospel. He worked really carefully and were very focussed. Well done!
Kason - For settling in so well to our school and having a brilliant first few days. Kason has produced some very neat work, has put his hand up to answer questions and joining in with class activities. Well done!
Elodie -Mrs Brown's language lover of the week - For excellent work in French.
Junior 2
Charlie - For taking care of his work in English. Charlie produced a very entertaining version of the Just So Story 'How the Whale Got Hs Throat' from the point of view of the whale.
William - For taking care of his work in Maths. William demonstrated a really good understanding of square and cube numbers.
Dylan - For taking care of his topic work. Dylan did a great job of labelling the former colonies of the British Empire on a map of the world.
Friday 8th November
Infant 1
Isabella - For remembering this week's super sentence and writing a lot of it all by herself. Well done!
Alfie - For trying really hard to learn his letter sounds and blend them together to read words.
Well done Alfie!
Jett -For creating an amazing bonfire picture. Jett could also tell all his friends about the bonfire parties he had been to, remembering lots of details.
Infant 2
Skye - For coming up with some brilliant ideas for his bonfire acrostic poem including adjectives and onomatopoeia words. Well done!
Frazer - For showing great determination to get his writing finished, working hard on his bonfire acrostic poem. Well done, Keep it up!
Junior 1
Theo - For taking care of his maths this week. Initially Theo found column addition a bit tricky but he worked hard and has ended the week with a page full of correct answers, Great determination!
Rupert and Teddy- For taking care of their maths work. They both set out their work really neatly and even managed to get onto the challenge questions. Well done!
Junior 2
Theo, Ava, Amelia and Niamh - For taking care of their work in English. They all wrote really good recounts of our visit to Southwell Minster's Earth and Space Day. Well done!
Friday 18th October
Infant 1
Arlo -Arlo has being working really hard with his phonics, reading and writing. He is putting sounds together to read and write words and is always so enthusiastic during our literacy sessions. Well done!
Ophelia - For writing this weeks super sentence with only a little support with finger spaces - Well done!
Infant 2
Molly - Molly is helpful, kind, considerate and thoughtful. This week particularly impressed her teacher with the way she has helped others in the classroom. She is a brilliant partner when working with other children and she is very patient and caring. Well done!
Evie - For taking care of her friends and the classroom. This week she has shown a real kindness to her friends and is always ready to help out in the classroom. Well done!
Tilda - For for a fantastic piece of Kenyan art. Well done!
Junior 1
Dax - for being super charged this half term! Dax is trying really hard with his speed and the quality of his work. Well done!
Layla - For taking care of her maths work. Layla is so confident with column addition and subtraction, presents her work neatly and is really quick to get started. Well done!
Elliott - For being careful and patient when making his torch and then helping others in the class who were struggling. Superstar!
Lewis - for trying really hard at the rugby festival this week. He showed great determination and was a brilliant team player. Well done!
Rupert - For a fantastic drawing of a close up of a flower inspired by the work of Georgia o'Keeffe
Junior 2
Lillie-Mae - For taking care of her English. Lillie-Mae did a fantastic job of writing sentences including a relative clause and using commas accurately.
Jake - For taking care of his work in music. Jake did a fantastic job improvising using the notes from the Blues scale.
Friday 11th October
Infant 1
Tiger-Lilly - For taking care of her work. Tiger-Lilly was able to remember and write this week's super sentence, including finger spaces and a full stop. Well done!
Isabella - For taking care of her work. Isabella was able to amke three in different ways and explain what she had done. Well done!
Infant 2
Poppy and Jessie - For taking care of their art work. They both made a fantastic woven creation, using lots of different skill that we have been learning in art this half term. They both thought carefully about how to place each part and incorporate them into their work. Well done!
Junior 1
Isobel - For some brilliant maths work this week - counting in 10s, 100s and 1000s. Isobel had a fantastic attitude and made the work look easy. Well done!
Oliver and Kitty -For having some fantastic ideas when writing rhyming poetry and working well in a team. Well done!
Ben - For taking care of his topic work. Ben created a poster all about the Roman baths, working carefully and labelling his work neatly. Well done!
Junior 2
Charlie - For taking care of his maths work. Charlie was able to reason from known facts to answer addition and subtraction questions successfully.
Gareth - For taking care of his English work. Gareth was able to identify different features used by the author Rudyard Kipling.
Rhys - For taking care of his maths work. Rhys did a fantastic job with his addition and subtraction assessment test, scoring 100%! Well done.
Friday 4th October
Infant 1
Beau and Jett - For both working really hard to learn their sounds and are beginning to hear the sounds in words when writing. Well done!
Infant 2
Jessie - For producing a lovely postcard this week. Jessie wrote carefully and produced some impressive artwork. She showed amazing attention to detail. Well done!
Corey - for showing great determination this week to get his work finished and has impressed various adults in school with his ability to focus. Keep it up!
David - For being very thoughtful when selecting materials for his woven wonders creation. Well done!
Junior 1
Cole- For some excellent English work this week. Cole is really pushing himself and using exciting vocabulary.
Rocco and Wade - For trying really hard with their stretches and balances in yoga this week and having brilliant attitudes in PE.
Wade - For some really careful and precise drawing in art this week when using a viewfinder. Well done!
Junior 2
Phoebe. Henry and Alyssa - For taking care of their English work. They all wrote really good recounts about a UFO in Gunthorpe. Well done!
Friday 27th September
Infant 1
Arlo and Tiger-Lilly - In Maths this week they were both able to spot, create and continue a variety of patterns, explaining what they had done.
Infant 2
Jude - For taking care of our classroom and his friends. Jude has been really helpful and considerate towards his friends this week. Great friendship and service on show. Well dome!
Ella - For producing some beautiful writing this week. Ella has used great adjectives and conjunctions and shown great determination to get her work finished. Well done!
Evie - For some great weaving in art this week. Evie listened carefully to the instructions and completed her work accurately and quickly. Well done!
Junior 1
Florence, Elodie and Jasmine- For taking care of their writing this week. They all wrote fantastic introductions to their own versions of ITYTMC. Well done!
Layla - For some lovely observational drawing in art this week. Layla took her time and looked closely at the sunflower she was sketching. Well done!
Junior 2
Letrell and Lauren - For taking care of their topic work. They both were able to locate many countries in different parts of the world and record them accurately on a map.
Korinne and Luschen - For taking care of their English work. They both created some really good sentences using adverbials and the correct punctuation.
Friday 20th September
Infant 1
Alfie - For trying reall hard to write his name and concentrating on the letter shapes when copying his name. Well done!
Arlo - For taking care of his work. Arlo is beginning to put sounds together to read words. Well done!
Infant 2
Tilda - For some brilliant work in art this week when practising the skills of threading, knotting and plaiting. Well done.
Junior 1
The whole class - For taking care of their writing this week. Everyone worked so hard in English this week and showed great determination especially when writing it up. Well done!
Nina - For taking care of her work. Nina put thought and care into her art work this week when we looked at the artistic skill of frottage. Well done!
Junior 2
Ben, Frankie and Anders - For taking care of their English work. They all produced some super pieces of writing on Gunthorpe Primary School in 2024.
Friday 13th 2024
Infant 1
Isabella and Ophelia - For working hard to learn new sounds and blend new words. Well done!
Infant 2
Tilda - for making a real effort to make friends and ensure everyone feels accepted and welcome in our classroom. You have welcomed new children into Infant 2 and also worked hard to put a smile on your friends faces. Well done!
Ella - For making an excellent transition into Infant 2. You have shown such determination to get stuck in, make friends and contribute in lessons. You have adjusted so quickly to being in a new classroom with new friends. Well done!
Georgia - Artist of the week. For working carefully and methodically to complete her stick and shape wrapping components of her woven wonders piece of work.
Junior 1
Rocco - Artist of the week, For taking care of his work, taking time and adding lots of detail to his drawing. Well done!
Aurora - Artist of the week, For showing great attention to detail and shading her work carefully.
Well done!
Aurora - For having such a brilliant start to our school. Aurora has settled into our school routines and is trying hard with her work. Well done!
Nina - For having such a brilliant start to our school. Nina is trying really hard with her work, taking part in class discussions and being so helpful. Well done!
Miles and Leyla - For taking care of their work. They are both are trying so hard in lessons and setting a wonderful example to the other children in the class. Well done!
Junior 2
Archie and Seb - For taking care of their maths work. Both Archie and Seb have demonstrated a very good understanding of place value with numbers up to 10,000,000.
Friday 12th July
Infant 1
Ella -For taking care of her work. Ella has written some lovely under the sea captions this week, remembering her finger spaces and full stops. Well done
Jett - Jett has been putting in lots of effort with his maths work, ordering numbers to 10 and writing his name. well done!
Infant 2
Leyla and Skye - For both writing a fantastic letter to TIddalick the frog. You used some brilliant language and perfect punctuation.
Tilda - For remembering to use full stops and capital letters consistently which is brilliant! Tilda has also started using lovely descriptions. Well done!
Junior 1
Rhys - For taking care of his topic work. Rhys was able to use an atlas to successfully label all of the countries in Europe on a map.
Archie - For taking care of his topic work. Archie used an ipad and his knowledge organiser to ensure he spelt all the tricky topic words correctly. Well done!
Amelia - For taking care of her handwriting. Amelia has been working hard this term to present her written work to the best of her ability.
Junior 2
Friday 28th June
Infant 1
Leo and Aleks - for making fantastic holiday brochures this week. They both added some lovely details, wrote on the line and remembered finger spaces. Well done!
Denis - For working really hard at his reading. Denis is always enthusiastic and his regular reading at home and at school is helping Denis to become better and better. Well done!
Infant 2
Layla - For some fantastic writing. Layla did her best piece of writing this week based on the video of a cat and an alien. She wrote some beautiful descriptions and included perfect punctuation. Well done!
Scarlet - for making huge progress with your confidence over the last few weeks and coming into school happier which is fantastic to see. Well done!
Pippa - for a fantastic retell of the Noah's Ark story this week in an RE lesson. Well done!
Junior 1
Luschen and Charlie - For using ambitious vocabulary in their writing and challenging themselves. Well done!
Wade - for improved writing stamina this week when writing his setting description.
Isobel - For learning her lines for the summer production and reciting them on stage with confidence. Well done!
Junior 2
Ella S - For taking care of her topic work. Ella created a really good fact file on Maya Gods, including excellent illustrations of the Gods.
Friday 21st June
Sports Week
This week we celebrated some fantastic sporting achievements from this week's events, including our euro football tournament and our sports day.
Friday 14th June
Infant 1
Oliver - For some great writing this week. Oliver has been trying really hard to put his finger spaced in the right place. Well done!
Infant 2
Jessie - For creating a fantastic poster in science this week. Jessie really took her time and worked carefully. Well done!
Elliott - for taking care of all his work in class. Elliott gives 100% to everything when completing tasks in class. Keep up the great work!
Pandora - For writing a fantastic diary entry demonstrating all the features of a diary. Well done!
Junior 1
Miles and Rupert - For working really hard to improve their handwriting in class. Well done!
Wade - For having a hard working positive attitude to his maths work this week. Well done!
Phoebe - For overcoming her nerves this week when completing her MTC. Well done!
Junior 2
Heidi, Georgie and Bruce - For taking care of their English work. They all wrote excellent persuasive letters about recycling.
Friday 7th June
Infant 1
Arlo - For taking care of hie work. Arlo listened really carefully this week when we were looking at the history of transport. He was interested in all the different types and how old they were. Well done!
Denis - For taking care of his work. Denis wrote a fantastic version of Mr Gumpy's Motor Car, thinking of his own ideas and writing independently. He also showed real determination and stamina for writing as he completed two sheets of paper. Well done!
Infant 2
Madison - For taking care of your reading.Madison is doing really well with her ditty sheets and all her hard work is paying off. Well done!
Marcel - For correctly applying your knowledge to categorise animals as either carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. Well done!
Georgia - For taking care of her maths work. Georgia demonstrated a real understanding of place value up to 100. Well done!
Junior 1
Isobel - For taking care of her work. Isobel showed excellent determination this week when completing some tricky maths. Well done!
Elodie - For taking care of her work. Elodie showed some careful reasoning this week when looking at our 'time' problem solving. Well done!
Junior 2
Theo, Freddie, Seth, Ida-Rose and Lissie - For all taking care of their work. They all produced a super piece of writing based on the short film Road's End.
Friday 24th May
Infant 1
Denis and Ella - for taking care of their work. They both created a fabulous 'blue horse picture' inspired by the artist Franz Marc. They took time drawing and colouring their horses and painted fantastic backgrounds for their work. Well done!
Infant 2
Molly - for taking care of your English work. Molly wrote some lovely sentences to describe a pirate scene and earnt her handwriting pencil.
Evie - for some brilliant maths work this week, programming the beebot confidently. Well done!
Theo - writing a brilliant description of a mad scientist and trying really hard with your handwriting. Well done!
Junior 1
Claudie - for taking care of her English work. She has been working hard at editing her own work - spotting and correcting mistakes independently.
Rupert - For taking care taking care of his Maths work. Rupert came up with his own systematic way of completing a part-whole for decimals and fractions.
Teddy - for working hard in all subjects at school. His work at home has also resulted in fantastic spelling scores.
Junior 2
Alyssa - for taking care of her English work. Alyssa produced an excellent piece of writing involving a flashback.
Ben and Frankie - for taking care of their maths work. They were both able to translate shapes and record the co-ordinates of the translation. Well done!
Friday 17th May
Infant 1
Arlo - for showing our school values of service and respect this week, taking care of our classroom by being amazing at tidying up. Well done!
Ella - for writing a fantastic description of our super sentence picture this week. Ella thought of her own ideas and wrote independently. Well done!
Infant 2
Jude and Skye - for both working so carefully on their colouring sheets in golden time. You have both done such a good job, well done!
Layla - for taking care of your reading. You have come on so well and are demonstrating great determination. Well done!
Corey - for taking care of your RE this week. You drew a fantastic picture of Gunthorpe church and labelled it beautifully. Well done!
Junior 1
Ava - for taking care of her maths work. You have worked really hard at finding fractions of amounts and converting fractions to decimals.
Henry and Kitty - for taking care of your DT work. You have both worked really hard to design and make your own cereal bars with eye catching packaging.
Junior 2
All of Year 6 - for having a mature, calm and hardworking approach to SATs this week. We are so proud of all of you.
Friday 10th May
Infant 1
Aleks and Leo - for taking care of their art work. They both created fantastic chicken pictures by making detailed observational drawings of a cockerel and then adding a background and a hen house. Well done!
Infant 2
Isaiah- For taking care of his English. He created a fantastic story plan for his big write on Katie Morag. Well done!
Poppy- For working so hard on her phonics and making brilliant progress. Well done!
Junior 1
Charlie and Sebby - for taking care of their English work. They both thought carefully about what they had already read, to make sensible predictions about what might happen next.
Cole - for taking care of his DT work. He showed a really positive attitude towards trying different foods as part of our cereal bar planning.
Junior 2
Korvin, Seth and Peony - For taking care of their maths work. They all were able to accurately calculate missing angles in special quadrilaterals. Well done!
Friday 3rd May
Infant 1
Oliver - For always being the first person to comfort or help your friends if they need it and really showing our value of friendship. Well done!
Ella - For creating a fantastic storyboard retelling the creation story, Well done!
Infant 2
Jessie - for being a brilliant scientist ! Jessie really engaged with our science experiments this week and worked brilliantly as part of a team. Well done!
Fraser - For taking care of your friends. Fraser is always such a lovely friend and very helpful in the classroom, demonstrating our school values.
Pippa - for constantly demonstrating our school values in everything she does. She is a fantastic member of Infant 2 and is always enthusiastic, kind and has a fantastic attitude - Well done you should be so proud.
Rocco - For working hard in maths, always putting his hand up and having a great understanding of fractions. Well done!
Junior 1
Niamh - For showing great leadership during our teambuilding activities, listening to and directing her team with confidence and kindness.
Amelia and Elodie - for both showing great team spirit during our team building activities. you both listened to your teams and made thoughtful suggestions. Well done!
Junior 2
Jake and Rex - for taking care of their topic work. They were both able to understand and use 6 figure grid references to show different locations on an OS map.
Lauren - for taking care of her maths work. Lauren was able to accurately calculate missing angles on a straight line.
Ida-Rose - for taking care of her French work. Ida-Rose was able to understand the meaning of sentences by saying if they were true or false.
Friday 26th April
Infant 1
Leo - for some fantastic writing this week both in his 'write what you like' book and in his work about 'Farmer Duck'. Well done!
Infant 2
Jasmine and Leyla - for both making fantastic observations in science this week. They both worked really carefully and showed fantastic teamwork. Well done!
Pandora - for fantastic maths this week. Pandora worked really hard on understanding arrays and could demonstrate this in her work.
Ben - for using some brilliant vocabulary and putting lots of thought into your work when writing a character description of Katie Morag.
Junior 1
Phoebe - For taking care of her English work. Phoebe has worked hard on her editing skills and taken pride in improving her work.
Isobel - For taking care of her maths work. Isobel has showed great determination in working through a fraction unit, looking at equivalent fractions.
Wade - for showing great determination to work through problems and use a range of web tools to create a piece of digital art.
Junior 2
Alyssa - For taking care of her maths work. She demonstrated a great understanding of metric units and was able to convert between different units of measurement with good accuracy.
Ben - For taking care of his English work. Ben wrote a really good flashback of an early memory accurately in the present tense.
Friday 19th April
Infant 1
Aleks and Tiger-Lilly - For creating fantastic farm designs, carefully deciding where each animal would go. They also labelled their work independently using their phonic knowledge. Well done!
Infant 2
Jude - For coming back after Easter with a super attitude to your work. You are working hard and listening really well. Great work!
Tilda- For working so hard over Easter on your handwriting, you have come back to school and your writing is beautiful. Mrs Owen is so proud of you!
Florence - For being a maths superstar this week when completing our work on fractions.
Junior 1
Luschen and Archie - for their Cinderella playscripts. They both included all the features that they had looked at through the week and thought really carefully about how they wanted the dialogue to be performed.
MIles - For returning to school with a renewed focus and is showing determination in all his lessons.
Junior 2
Rex and Ella J - For both showing a good understanding of algebra using substitution and forming equations.
Seb - for confidently and accurately adding and subtracting decimal numbers within 1.
Friday 22nd March
Infant 1
Aleks and Leo - For taking care of their art work. They both created an Eric Carle inspired collage of a snail. Well done!
Denis - For working really hard creating an Easter story book. He wrote independently sounding out the words and remebering finger spaces. Well done!
Infant 2
Elliot - for planning and writing a fantastic story with adjectives, adverbs and prepositions. Well done!
Scarlet - for writing a fantastic story about a dragon this week. You remembered full stops and capital letters and had really beautiful handwriting. Well done!
Junior 1
Miles, Lewis, Kitty and Henry - for taking care of their infographics work. They all took time to choose appropriate graphics to go alongside their carefully typed instructions. Well done!
Junior 2
Jessie, Lissie and Anders - For taking care of their English work this week. They all produced a fantastic piece of writing based on the short film 'Delivery'.
Rhys - for taking care of his maths work. Rhys was able to demonstrate a very good understanding of equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.
Friday 15th March
Infant 1
Arlo - for being really enthusiastic and always eager to try everything. Fantastic!
Oliver - for some brilliant writing about Palm Sunday. Oliver confidently identified the sounds he needed and recalled several diagraphs, including them in his writing. Well done!
Infant 2
Poppy and Georgia - for taking care of you science work this week. You both worked really carefully and took part in some great discussions. Well done!
Marcel - for making fantastic start to your story about a dragon.
Madison - for writing some brilliant CVC words this week with very little support.
Corey - for taking care of your maths work this week and having a good understanding of partitioning numbers into 10s and 1s.
Junior 1
Sebby, Rupert and Niamh - for taking care of your performance poetry. You all worked really hard in your groups and thought about how to use your voices effectively.
Junior 2
Freddie - for taking care of your maths work demonstrating a fantastic understanding of equivalent fractions and percentages.
Peony and Anders - for taking care of your topic work by using the eight compass points to describe routes on a map.
Friday 8th March
Infant 1
Ella - for being really brave this week facing lots of new situations and activities. you have shown real determination and courage. Well done!
Tiger-Lilly - for listening carefully and following the instructions when completing a live draw along with a author for world book day.
Oliver - for thinking really carefully in maths this week, looking for groups within the whole and using this to find the total. Well done!
Infant 2
Theo - for showing a good understanding of halving and doubling this week.
Skye and Tilda - for both being so engaged and helpful when we went tree planting this week. You both showed the school values of service and respect and set a wonderful example to all the other children.
Junior 1
Dax - For working really hard in all his lessons this week, producing lots of fantastic work.
Well done!
Charlie - teachers have been really impressed with how you look after the other pupils in the class, both in lessons and outside. Well done!
Eizan - for settling into school really well and trying lots of new things with a really positive attitude. Well done!
Junior 2
Frankie and Theo - for demonstrating a fantastic understanding of equivalent decimals and fractions.
Ella S- for doing a fantastic job working with decimals to 3 decimal places, demonstrating a super understanding of place value.
Bruce - for doing a brilliant job working out the meanings of different Ordnance Survey map symbols.
Friday 1st March
Infant 1
Leo - for using his subitising knowledge to find the total of two groups that made 9
Aleks - for some great writing this week retelling the hungry caterpillar. Aleks worked independently, remembering finger spaces and careful letters.
Infant 2
Molly and Evie - For producing some fantastic art work exploring textures using paints.
Pippa and Layla - for some fantastic descriptive writing this week.
Junior 1
Oliver, Teddy, Ava and Isobel - for their instruction writing. They all worked really hard using their plans to write instructions on how to make an Egyptian mummy.
Junior 2
Jessie and Dylan - for taking care of their topic work. They both did a fantastic job completing an atlas quiz in our 'Marvellous Maps' topic.
Korvin - for solving problems that involved using all four operations with fractions.
Georgie - for some fantastic work dividing fractions by whole numbers.
Friday 23rd February
Infant 1
Denis- for working really hard this week, hearing the sounds in words and writing independently. Well done!
Tiger-Lilly - for working really carefully in art to produce a beautiful sunflower picture inspired by Van Gogh. Well done!
Infant 2
Marcel - for answering lots of questions on arrays and working hard in maths this week.
Jude - for completing some fantastic topic work and explaining the five different planting conditions. Well done!
Frazer - for fantastic recall of number bonds to 20
Junior 1
Claudie and Cole - for writing brilliant sets of instructions using imperative verbs, time conjunctions and diagrams. They were both able to see where they had made mistakes and edit their work.
Sebby - for listening carefully this week and answering questions enthusiastically. Well done!
Junior 2
Bruce - for taking care of his English work. Bruce did a fantastic job describing setting and atmosphere, using observation, senses, imagination and feeling.
Ida-Rose, Lillie-Mae and Lauren - For taking care of their maths work. They all did a fantastic job multiplying non-unit fractions by whole numbers. Well done!
Friday 9th February
Infant 1
Arlo - for recalling all the double facts to twelve
Ella - for taking care of her work. Ella wrote this week's super sentence all by herself. Well done!
Infant 2
Jessie and Scarlet - for showing great determination in P.E. this week on the high bars. they were both feeling a bit worried but overcame this and were really successful!
Florence - for taking care of your work and participation in music this week. You were very keen to take part when creating Mars and Venus sounds. Well done!
Junior 1
Kitty and Archie - for taking care of their work in P.E. During circuit sessions they have both worked really hard to improve their technique and fitness. Well done!
Rupert - for taking care of everything. Rupert has been working really hard in every subject, even when he finds things difficult. He has been working hard at home and helping his peers in the classroom.
Junior 2
Seb and Dylan - for taking care of their English work. They have both shown really good progress in recent reading assessments. Well done!
Ellla J - for taking care of her topic work. Ella did really good work researching and explaining how different types of mountains are formed.
Friday 2nd February
Infant 1
Oliver - for writing a brilliant super sentence this week. Oliver remembered and wrote most of it all bey himself. Well done!
Tiger-Lilly and Ella - for creating brilliant Gingerbread Man story maps. Well done!
Infant 2
Isaiah - for working so hard with his reading and moving up another book band really quickly. Well done!
Elliott - for taking care of your maths work over the last couple of weeks. Elliott grasp of money is fantastic and he has been able to solve two step problems with ease.
Layla - for creating a beautiful piece of art work this week inspired by the Northern lights.
Junior 1
Luschen - for growing confidence in maths and showing real determination. Well done!
Dax - for continuing to challenge himself in maths. Well done!
Amelia - For showing bravery and determination during our Egyptian drama day even when she found it quite challenging. well done!
Junior 2
Ida-Rose, Seth and Rex - for taking care of their topic work, drawing really good pictures of mountains and then labelling all the key features.
Heidi - for taking care of her maths work. Heidi has shown that she can confidently and accurately add and subtract fractions with different denominators.
Jessie and Theo- For taking care of their English work. They both have written excellent informal explanations, giving feed back on a Strictly Come Dancing performance.
Friday 26th January
Infant 1
Jett - for some great work this week recognising and ordering numbers to 5.
Aleks - for writing a brilliant super sentence this week remembering finger spaces and a full stop.
Emilia - for working really hard with her reading, learning lots of new sounds and blending words all by herself. Well done!
Infant 2
Corey - For working really hard on your phonics this week and writing lots of words with ck in all by yourself. Well done!
Ben - for brilliant partner work this week in English finding out lots of facts about Emperor penguins.
Junior 1
Elodie, Sebby and Jamie - for making great improvements since our last times tables check. They have all clearly been practising at home. Well done!
Junior 2
Lillie-Mae, Ella, Georgie and Corvin - for taking care of your English work. You were all able to write an excellent set of instructions, including all of the required features. Well done!
Lissie - for taking care of her maths work. Lissie was able to order and complete fractions with different denominators successfully.
Friday 19th January
Infant 1
Leo - for writing this week's super sentence all by himself, taking real care with his work. Leo always wants to do his best. Well done!
Denis - for great maths work this week. Denis was able to talk about different ways to make 5 using numicon and counters to help him. Well done!
Infant 2
Pandora - for your fantastic topic work. You used an atlas to locate the Arctic and Antarctica and you could recall various facts. Well done!
Jasmine - for doing a brilliant job using subordinating conjunctions to extend your sentences in English. Well done.
Junior 1
Phoebe - for taking care of her artwork. Phoebe showed great enthusiasm during the lesson creating prints.
Charlie and Niamh - for taking care of their descriptive writing in English. They both used lots of powerful verbs and interesting vocabulary to describe a setting. Well done!
Junior 2
Lyla - Lyla was able to match all of our Properties of Materials key words with their definitions and also demonstrated a great understanding of our investigation looking at electrical conductors and insulators.
Frankie - for demonstrating a good understanding of mixed numbers and improper fractions, converting from one to the other.
Rhys - for taking so much care with his sewing during D&T and showing great determination and concentration to produce an excellent finished piece. Well done!
Friday 12th January 2024
Infant 1
Ella - for writing this week's super sentence all by herself, remembering the capital letter and full stop.
Aleks - for creating a lovely story map of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Oliver - for trying really hard with his reading and has just moved onto ditties. Well done!
Infant 2
Rocco - for being an enthusiastic learner who is great at remembering facts and asking questions. Well done!
Georgia - for some incredibly neat handwriting and fantastic presentation. Well done!
Madison - for doing really well at hearing sounds in cvc words. Well done!
Poppy - for doing really well with your phonics sounds and becoming increasingly confident at using them. Well done!
Junior 1
Wade and Luschen - for thinking thoughtfully and answering questions about a story we had read.
Isobel and Miles - for working hard on the three times tables this week.
Junior 2
Rhys, Freddie and Alyssa - for writing up the rules to 'worm charming' using bullet points correctly with a colon to introduce the list and semi-colons to separate each point. Well done!
Jake and Anders - for showing a great understanding of cube numbers and solving problems related to this. Well done!
Friday 15th December
Infant 1
Leo - for some fantastic writing about the Christmas story. Leo wrote independently, sounding out all the words he wanted to write and created a wonderful nativity scene picture to go with his writing. Well done!
Arlo - for being such an enthusiastic learner. Arlo really enjoyed our work this week on circuits, creating them in variety of ways and drawing a detailed picture of a simple circuit with care. Well done!
Infant 2
Scarlet - for writing a sentence explaining how a letter got to Santa and remembered finger spaces and a capital letter. Well done!
Pippa - For writing a brilliant description of how Holly's letter travelled to Santa's workshop. You used adjectives and adverbs and your handwriting was incredibly neat!
Molly - for being a maths superstar this week. You have been really good at identifying 3D shapes correctly. Well done!
Junior 1
Isobel - for working really hard in R.E. during a discussion about symbols in Biblical stories and Christian art. Well done!
Henry and Cole - for both being real team players during a P.E. dodgeball lesson. You both made sure everyone got involved. Well done!
Junior 2
Dylan - for demonstrating really good progress with his performance in his end of term arithmetic test.
Peony - for demonstrating super progress with her performance in her end of term reading test.
Theo - for working really well in maths demonstrating a great understanding of square numbers.
Friday 8th December
Infant 1
Arlo, Denis and Tiger-Lilly - for creating fantastic nativity scenes taking care of their work and making sure they included all the characters. Well done!
Infant 2
Skye and Leyla - for writing brilliant versions of Farmer Duck. You both used fantastic language and vocabulary choices. Well done!
Junior 1
Teddy, Archie and Amelia - for writing a fantastic stories using lots of descriptive language about characters feelings, powerful verbs, and correctly punctuated speech. Well done!
Junior 2
Rex and Lissie - for both writing excellent extra chapters for Carrie's War, focussing on the character Albert Sandwich
Friday 1st December
Infant 1
Aleks and Ella - for some carefully drawn starry night pictures in the style of Van Gogh.
Oliver- For a fantastic super sentence this week. He remembered the sentence and worked really hard to hear and write the sounds in words. Well done!
Infant 2
Theo - for working really hard to learn his lines for our nativity play and then delivering them in a loud clear voice. Well done!
Jessie - creating a detailed storyboard thinking carefully about her plot.
Junior 1
For some fantastic English work this week -
Lewis - for a thoughtful and detailed prediction
Henry - For some brilliant editing this week.
Rupert - for showing some impressive writing stamina this week
Niamh - for using some interesting vocabulary to make her work more interesting.
Junior 2
Anders - for a good understanding of factors and common factors this week.
Seth - for a fantastic chapter summary of chapter 3 from the the class book Carrie's War. Seth showed a good understanding of the story - Well done!
Friday 17th November
Infant 1
Ella - For some fantastic carefully drawn mehndi on our Diwali day and a great independent super sentence - Well done!
Leo - Foe some fantastic carefully drawn mehndi on our Diwali day.
Infant 2
Jude and Florence - for some brilliant English work. You both had lovely neat handwriting, remembered finger spaces and capital letters
Frazer - for brilliant fact family work in maths. Well done!
Junior 1
Dax, Ava and Kitty - for being enthusiastic learners, answering lots of questions and taking care of their learning. Well done!
Junior 2
Jake and Rhys - for taking care of their maths work You have both worked brilliantly this week demonstrating a super understanding of short division, working with great accuracy. Well done!
Friday 10th November
Infant 1
Aleks - for a fantastic independent super sentence this week. Well done!
Infant 2
Isaiah - for writing a great description of a gorilla. For making your writing so neat and remembering you finger spaces. Mrs Owen is so proud of you!
Junior 1
Teddy - Mrs Brown was very impressed with your careful addition calculations this week. Keep it up!
Junior 2
Peony - for working hard, demonstrating care and attention to detail when we created poppies for our Remembrance Day wreath
Friday 20th October
Infant 1
Ella and Leo - for taking care of your work completing it with care. You both took your time drawing round our focused shapes. Well done!
Denis- For writing a fantastic super sentence with only a small amount of help. Denis remembered the sentence and wrote a lot of the words all by himself. Well done!
Infant 2
Scarlet- For making good progress with your written work in phonics. Well done!
Pandora and Frazer - For brilliant work on your number bonds to 10. You both had great recall of the bonds and could apply your knowledge to your written work. Well done!
Ben - you took part in a class discussion where we comparing poems and had lots of brilliant ideas!
Pippa -For describing your house so well in our topic work and then drawing a brilliant sketch of it and labelling it too!
Junior 1
Ava - For taking care of her classmates. Ava has been so kind and helpful this week, making sure that those around her feel encouraged and supported.
Henry - for taking care of his DT work. Henry has worked really hard to create an appealing pneumatic toy. He showed determination to complete the project with care.
Junior 2
Alyssa and Ella - For taking care of their maths work. They both worked brilliantly in maths this week demonstrating a super understanding of long multiplication, working with great accuracy, including solving problems.
Friday 13th October
Infant 1
Tiger-Lilly - for using the number song props independently to sing the rhymes working out correctly one less each time.
Leo - for a fantastic super sentence this week. Leo remembered and wrote the sentence independently. well done!
Infant 2
Elliott - for setting a great example to the year 1 children in Infant 2. You are so polite and helpful. I can rely on you to be a good friend to others, well done!
Madison - for trying really hard with your sounds and writing. Well done!
Molly and Georgia - for writing brilliant letters to T-Rex. You included several questions and really used your phonics knowledge. Well done!
Junior 1
Wade, Lewis, Miles and Amelia - for some detailed reports on Oymyakon. Well done !
Junior 2
Seb, Ben and Freddie - for some fantastic maths work this week. They worked hard to grasp the method of long multiplication, working with great accuracy. Well done!
Friday 6th October
Infant 1
Denis - For taking care of his work. In maths this week, Denis has been very thoughtful with his answers and taking time to get his answers right, Well done!
Arlo - For taking care of himself and his friends. Arlo played a lotto game with is friends. he was able to wait for his turn and even shared his board when we had one too many players. Well done!
Infant 2
Corey - For using neat handwriting in our guided reading session. well Done!
Marcel and Jasmine - For completing some fantastic fact families in maths. Well Done!
Rocco - For fantastic listening in P.E. Rocco followed the instructions carefully and then finished off his jumps and balances beautifully. Well Done!
Junior 1
Look at Sebby's fantastic D&T work about pneumatics. He has written a clear explanation of the two experiments he did in class and taken care to draw detailed diagrams. Well done!
Phoebe and Oliver for both producing some amazing R.E work about their life journeys so far. They both spent a long time thinking carefully about which life events to include and took time with their presentation, Well done!
Junior 2
Lyla - For taking care of her maths work. Lyla did great, accurate work using short multiplication, showing a good understanding of the method.
Heidi and Frankie - for taking care of their English work. They both did a fantastic job writing a recount of their visit to The National Holocaust Centre. Well done!
Friday 29th September
Infant 1
Look at Aleks brilliant observational drawings of fruit and vegetables.
Well done to Denis who has worked really hard with his reading and read all the word time 2 words!
Infant 2
Layla - for being a good, kind friend
Well done to Isaiah and Georgia for their brilliant writing.
Junior 1
Well done to Claudie and Archie for some fantastic writing about climate zones, very informative!
Well done to Cole for always being kind, considerate and looking after his class mates.