Marvellous Monday 8th March
A very big welcome back to school to ALL our children. Monday was a joy filled day -my face was aching from smiling so much! School has been filled with noise, but when it's the happy chatter of children catching up with friends and teachers - that is just delightful!
Thank you all so much for being brilliant at remembering the staggered drop off and collection times. It means that school is never too busy and definitely keeps us all safe.
We held our first in person Marvellous Monday since December which was another real highlight of all being back together!
A big well done to
Infant 1- Marcel- for your determination last week and for continuing to try your best at all you do. Mrs Findlay had spotted how hard you had been working on riding a tricycle in school so a big well done!
Oliver- you are the super sentence writer for last week. Mrs Findlay was so impressed with your hand control and how well you sounded out each word. Fantastic!
Infant 2- Ava you were also in our brilliant book for your determination and how hard you have worked throughout lockdown. Miss Bottrell was so proud of you and is so looking forward to seeing how good your work is in school.
Lauren- your work on World Book Day was what earned you your place in the brilliant book. Your room on the broom extra page was superb. Thank you for telling us all about how your Mum's pet rabbit inspired you.
Junior 1- Cameron and Lissie- you were both in the brilliant book for how hard you worked last week. Both of you were in school for some time and working from home for the rest of it. You always give 100% effort to all you do and impressed Mrs Stewart and Mrs Brown last week especially.
Junior 2- Jiamin and Chloe- you both wrote superb mystery stories in English last week. Mr Tyler thoroughly enjoyed reading both of yours so a big well done to you both.
We know many children, and teachers, were very tired last night. We hope that all children will really enjoy being back at work, we know it will take time for children to settle back into routines and we will work with them. Teachers will continue to check class emails however this may only be weekly so please do contact the school office for anything urgent.