Marvellous Monday 7th December
What a fantastic week we had last week. Lots of children have continued to bring in their alterative advent gifts which fits in with the themes for Comfort and Joy as part of the second week of advent. This week we are thinking of the joy of giving and receiving gifts but also the anxiety that not comes from having enough money to be able to purchase gifts.
This week the filming for the nativity begins and we are so excited to share all the hard work that the children have put into learning their lines, songs and signs.
Infant 1- Sebby was such a star this week and Mrs Findlay was really proud of all his hard work, especially on Friday! Teddy was the super sentence writer of the week and he even included several red words spelt correctly!
Infant 2- Seb you maths work has clearly paid off with telling the time to o'clock and half past.
Cara - well done for your brilliant writing this week with some fantastic extended sentences.
Pheobe- your writing really impressed Miss Bottrell too this week with great extended noun phrases.
Junior 1- Amy, Laci-Mai and Lyla P- for being a fantastic trio in gymnastics. Mrs Brown was so impressed with your timing, skill and teamwork.
Junior 2- Isobel and Summer- for real determination and perserverance in maths last week during division.
Several parents have asked about Christmas cards- could we ask they these are just for your child's class. If they could bring them in by next Tuesday 15th December and then they will be quarentined and handed out on the final day.
Many thanks
Claire Bills