Marvellous Monday 6th December
What a lovely last few weeks we are having in school. It is such a joy to see the children so excited and be able to build up to Christmas together as a school community. I had the joy of watching the infant dress rehersal and parents, you are in for a treat! My advice is to bring some tissues!
We had a really special Christingle service on Wednesday following which every child made one to bring home. Juniors then came together at the end of the day and lit them whilst we took time to consider how we could bring Joy to others this advent season. There are some photos on twitter here
On to our brilliant book..
Infant 1- A big well done to Florence and Jasmine who have been working really hard on hearing the sounds in words and wrote a Christmas list!
Infant 2- Isobel and Frances' writing impressed Mrs Owen adding adjectives and adverbs.
Junior 1- Mrs Brown and Miss Bottrell were very impressed with year 3 and their maths work last week. Especially Ben and Alyssa with column addition and subtraction. All that hard work using concrete resources and pictoral examples really paid off! A big well done to Dylan too for his science work looking at the properties of material to design a flood proof house!
Junior 2- Mr Tyler was very impressed with Jacob and Daisy's science work looking at thermal insulators. Both children gave excellent explanations to the whole school about what they had been looking at so well done!