Marvellous Monday 30th November 2020
The 1st of December marks the start of Advent as we count down to Christmas. This week we began following the Church of England advent programme of Comfort and Joy- remembering that whilst for many advent is a time of excitement, for some it is a time of anxiety and concern. This year many of the acts of service that we would normally do in this final half term we have not been able to do. We have therefore produced a grid of acts of service in keeping with the idea of spreading comfort and joy across our whole school community. I would love to receive notes, emails, photos anything showing when the children have completed any of the acts of service. Please either send these on paper in children's book bags or email
One of the suggestions is a donation to Framework as part of our alternative advent calendar. All children should have brought home a letter which had their number on. Any number above 18 please bring in on the last day of term.
Today we launch our advent trail around the village. A map showing the location for 7 characters from the nativity story is avaliable to download or we have some printed in the entrance hall. We have some stickers on order for those children who complete the trail.
On Thursday, Rev Anna Alls is leading us in a Christingle service over zoom in school. We would love for all children to make a Christingle at school following this- please could we ask for donations of oranges in order for us to facilitate this (large ones work better if possible please). If you are able to bring in a bag by Wednesday so we know if we have enough that would be fantastic!
On to our Brilliant book...
Infant 1- Oliver for working so hard on forming his letters and especially with writing his name. Mrs Findlay is so impressed with how hard you are working.
Lewis- for remembering the super sentence and for being such a phonics super star. You are taking such care with all your work Lewis!
Infant 2- Lauren for sharing so many ideas of different ways to be kind in PSHE (You should be brilliant with our service grid Lauren!)
Anders- for such enthusiasm and perserverance in phonics. Your concentration is making such a big difference to your reading and writing. Well done!
Junior 1- Georgie-Mae- for your independence in maths and learning a new method with confidence.
Heidi- for learning how to use number lines to answer your division questions even with remainders.
Junior 2- Mr Tyler couldn't choose just one- he is so proud of you all for working so hard at home and we can't wait to see you back in school on Wednesday.