Marvellous Monday 26th April
Welcome back to the Summer Term- it was so lovely to have all the children back last week and from our Marvellous Monday assembly this morning it was clear they have all come back and are working really hard already! Our April newsletter will be coming out today so do look out for that.
On to our Brilliant book...
Infant 1- Both Elodie and Eleanor really impressed Mrs Findlay with their writing all about the farm they designed.
Infant 2- Archie has been working really hard on his phonics and Mr Shaw was very impressed by the progress he made last week.
Frankie had been a super scientist really making use of his knowledge of materials and explaining his choices to design and make a fantastic paper air plane.
Junior 1- A big well done to Freddy C and Toby for turning their proverb into a playscript. The proverb they were given was 2 heads are better than 1 and in this case it seemed to prove true!
Junior 2- Well done to Aleena and Thomas for their fantastic maths work last week converting between different units of measure.
Leon your english work converting formal text into an informal speech really impressed Mr Tyler.
A big well done to Lissie, Lewis, Teddy and Molly for your values slips. Please keep submitting them virtually here