Headteachers blog w/c 27th January
We started this week on National Holocaust Memorial day thinking about how we can learn from the past and stand up for things that we see are wrong. It has been brilliant to continue conversations with children throughout the week regarding respect and how we value everybody and celebrate being different. Thank you also to all those parents who have sent in values slips this week. It is fantastic to hear about how your children show our whole school values at home. We have several children recieving certificates next week.
This week we also had a team of children from year 5 and 6 take part in an indoor rowing competition. Considering over half of them had never been on a rowing machine they did brilliantly. Mr Tyler and Miss Bottrell said they represented the school superbly especially with regards to their enthusiasm and behaviour. There are some brilliant photographs below!
Harriet also brought in some medals this week celebrating passing her grade 1 ballet and tap with distinction. The comments on her grading slip were incredibly positive and as a school we are very proud of her!
On to our brilliant book...
Infant 1- Jimmy- for trying really hard with his words and talking. Jimmy is always happy to have a go at saying different words and has spotted things in stories that he knows and said those independently. He always has a smile which brightens up Infant 1 classroom. Well done!
Niamh- for her fantastic gymanstics skills. Niamh listens well in PE and has demonstrated lots of different positions for us. She has fantastic flexibility and balance. Well done.
Super sentence writer: Pheobe- for writing independently and always having a go! She was able to write the red words we, I, go and the. Brilliant!
Infant 2- Frankie- for contributing to class discussion and putting his hand up to answer questions.
Anders- for great problem solving with time- ordering clocks and showing o'clock and half past.
Writer of the week: Ella S- for excellent vocabulary when detailing the appearance, habitat and offspring of polar bears!
Junior 1- Isobel- for great respect and friendship this week. During PE she valued everyones contribution and gave her friends fantastic words of encouragement in science. Thanks Isobel you are a fab classmate!
Noah and Toby- for fantastic perserverance in bar modelling in maths this morning. Even attempting word problems with 4 digit numbers. It wasn't easy but you never gave up!
Henry- for sheer determination not to give up with his writing. He had to turn our Beowolf text from third person to first person. This was not easy because it was written in old fashioned English but he was a star and finished it all independently!
Junior 2- George, Jack and Jacob- for great maths work finding fractions of different amounts.