Headteacher blog w/c 6th May 2019
What a fantastic week it has been and what a lot we seem to have squeezed into 4 days. Our lacrosse team played their final tournament of the year winning their final game 3-1. They gave an excellent match report in our fantastic Friday assembly and spoke about how they felt everything came together being able to work as a team, defend well and be able to score. Well done for never giving up!
On to our brilliant book...
Infant 1- Writer of the week- Seb- for using his phonics when writing independently. He has been using the writing area lots and has enjoyed making signs for the classroom this week. My favourite were ' you must be good' and 'don't tread on the toys'.
Autumn- Mrs Findley was really impressed with Autumn's can do attitude all this week. She has been really concentrating on her reading and writing especially.
Infant 2- Writer of the Week- Zac- for his fantastic use of vocabulary in his writing about an under the water adventure!
Toby- For always understanding the importance of telling the truth and following rules to help make good choices.
Lucy- for great maths work reading scales with missing numbers
Junior 1- Kai- excellent independent maths work followed by brilliant spellings. You have been working so hard all week Kai. Well done.
Carla- for progress and and taking care more recently. You are writing neatly, spelling well and checking all the way through your writing! Keep it up!
Junior 2- Lukas - for making super progress with his reading
Hannah- for 50 out of 50 on our most recent GPS (Grammar) test. No easy achievement as all the teachers will testify!
We just want to take this opportunity to wish all our year 6s good luck for next week and we know they will do brilliantly!