Headteacher Blog w/c 13th May 2019
Firstly a big well done to all our year 6 for their incredible example to the whole school of how to complete their SATS with a big smile on their faces (or maybe that was just relief that it was over!) They showed such determination throughout and certainly rose to the challenge. Mr Tyler put them all in the brilliant book for their calm, mature attitudes working so hard. They showed friendship to support each other throughout especially if someone had run out of time or felt frustrated after. We are incredibly proud of them all!
We also had a large team of juniors compete in a tri golf event learning how to put, chip for distance and chip for accuracy. They all enjoyed it and are looking forward to learning more golf skills in Junior 2 after half term. Finally this week Florrie, Jiamin and Melissa all from year 4s - went to Nottingham High School for a murder mystery challenge. They conducted some scientific experiments and told all of us in assembly about what happens when you put fire near hydrogen and helium- why not ask your child to see if they can remember?
On to our brilliant book...
Infant 1- Well done to Alex for showing the value of friendship. She helped Autumn and Lauren to be friends again and help them to say sorry- also learning about our value of forgiveness.
Seb- for making a fantastic bug book. Seb chose to make a book and wrote a sentence for each bug. Well done!
Infant 2- Leo- for super careful art work when painting a rainbow fish.
Laci- Mai- determination to complete lots of extra maths work plus completing extra challenges!
Heidi and Hudson- for beautiful expressive reading especially during guided reading.
Writers of the week- Seth (yr1) and Amy (yr2) - have a look at their fantastic rainbow fish writing
Junior 1- Isobel- for her excellent effort in everything this week- especially maths assessments and tennis!
Evie H- for a positive attitude and approach to everything! Working hard, thinking and being a great tennis partner this afternoon!
Junior 2- Ben W- for great maths work this week especially rounding decimals. Ben explained he did over 60 sums! Great concentration and determination!
Jacob- for really good work subtracting decimals.