Head Teachers Blog w/c 2nd September
What a fantastic first week back it has been. All the classes have been so settled and it has been such a pleasure to walk around school and see children so enthusiastic and excited about their new topics. I hope by now you have recieved the class newsletter from your childs teacher, do please feel free to speak to them at the start of end of the day on the playground if there is anything you are unsure about! We have a very exciting term coming up.
On Saturday 14th September please don't forget our Gunthorpe Gala which is always a fantastic event organised by FoGS and always raises an incredible amount of much needed funds for school. A big thank you for all those who are working so hard in preparation for the day. Ducks and raffle tickets are still avaliable to purchase on the playground.
On Sunday 15th September we have been asked by Rev Simon Jones if as a school we would like to be part of the OneLIFE Songs of Praise service they are holiday at the church. OneLIFE is a group of Bishops and church leaders from the North of England, led by the Archbishop of York, John Sentamu. I would love to be able to bring a group of children to sing one or two of the schools favourite songs. If you are free to attend please sign up so we know if we have enough children free here https://forms.gle/EqBUTddyoLwVAPhs9
More details about the event can be found here https://www.facebook.com/events/342866083259408/
On to our brilliant book!
Infant 1- Henry and Eleanor- for making a fantastic start in reception. Showing great listening and following our rules and routines!
Infant 2- Frankie- for having confidence in the classrom and a great attitude to being in year 1!
Heidi- for clearly doing lots of reading at home and making huge progress over the summer.
Junior 1- Harrison and Isobel- an extra energetic start to the year. Thank you for supporting others in your group work and thinking well to solve problems in science.
Junior 2- Orla and Evie B- a really good start to the year in maths. Showing a great understanding of place value.
A special mention to Jessie and Rupert for working really hard and passing their martial arts grading over the summer. Jessie even scored 6+ (out of 6!) for effort and attitude- what a super star!
If any children completed the Summer Reading challenge at the library please do bring your certificates and medals in for next Friday as we would love to celebrate this acheivement together. There is also still time to hand in the School Summer Reading challenge bingo card to Mrs Brown for a prize!