Head Teachers blog w/c 20th January
What a fantastic week we have had. On Tuesday Mrs Bills took a group of year 4 and 5s to Southwell to attend a conference all about modern slavery. We have come back full of ideas to share with the rest of the school all about how we can act to change the world and make a difference to reducing slavery in 2020.
This Wednesday we had a fantastic university day- full of all sorts of different activites. From chain mail, origami, animation, painting with input from a guest artist, cricket, gardening, science experiments, cooking...the list goes on and on. It was so much fun and I know staff and pupils really enjoyed it! There are lots of pictures on our twitter account so please do have a look https://twitter.com/gunthorpecofeps
On Friday all the infants took part in a special Chinese New Year morning full of different crafts an activities to celebrate the year of the rat from Saturday 25th January.
On to our brilliant book...
Infant 1- Bella- for her fantastic sequencing and retelling of the three little pigs story. Bella worked independently and showed real independance and determination. Well done!
Dax- has learnt his first 5 sounds and is having a go at blending them together to read words. He has shown real enthusiasm and a can do attitude. Well done!
Infant 2- Ben- for having a fantastic attitude to school and putting 100% effort into every aspect of work this week.
Writer of the week- Rhys for listening carefully to his targets adn really trying hard to sit his letters on the line. Rhys did not just 1 but 2 fantastic pieces of work this week for Mrs Brown and Miss Bottrell.
Junior 1- Jack - for his powerful adjectives and description in his setting. Mrs Bills was incredibly impressed with his phrases carefully selected.
Freya- Mrs Shaw was so impressed with the determination Freya showed on University day making the chain mail.
Carla- for her amazing attitude to everything she does. She listens very carefully to Mrs Nolan and always ensures her presentation is perfect. All her books are beautful because she takes such pride in her work.
Junior 2- Kai- for his excellent sentence writing this week. Mrs Dewick was incredibly proud of how hard you have been working and the progress you are making.
Katy and Florrie- for super science work writing up their investigation including very good conclusions.
Oliver S- Miss Watson was really impressed witrh your fantastic effort in maths this week. You have worked hard to complete all tasks at a very high standard. Well done!