Head Teachers Blog w/c 10th June
What a brilliant week it has been- thank you to all those who joined us for our Thy Kingdom Come collective worship where we shared what the children had been doing the previous week in preparation for Pentecost. We also had a the brilliant Ben from Rock Steady Music School who will be back in September with some workshops for all children and further details of how your child can get involved.
On to our brilliant book..
Infant 1- Well done to Frankie for some fantastic character speech bubble writing. Frankie wrote his sentences all by himself (and before anyone else - he added!)
Lauren - for her fantastic creations in the making area. Lauren always has some brilliant ideas and uses lots of imagination when constructing. This week she made paper doughnuts and shared them with everyone for her birthday!
Infant 2- Ella J- for huge improvements in her reading, she has moved to turquoise and read beautifully to the whole class with fantastic expression.
Mrs Brown also put the whole class in as she was so proud of them for their amazing ideas and hard work during the poetry lessons this week. She was so pleased with their engagement and determination to create high quality pieces of work. They are all super stars!
Junior 1- Carla- for her presentation and effort in everything especially her reading challenges this week. She has really shown what she can do!
Evie H- for her determined and confident attack of all activities but particularly maths this week. Evie has faced everything with a smile and what a big difference it has made!
Junior 2- George- for hard work and perseverance in maths. His work on drawing angles was very precise.
Freya- for hard work and a fantastic attitude. Well done!
Erica- for excelling in maths. Erica's ability to calculate square numbers was phenomenal.
Finally a big well done to all the Junior 2 children who went to Cober Hill last week. Mr Tyler and Mrs Shaw had a great time taking them away. Their attitude and behaviour was fantastic for the majority of the time and they were all a credit to the school.