
CofE Primary School

Feeding Minds, Touching Hearts

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Head Teacher Blog w/c 24th June

What a fantastic week we've had starting with a slightly wet University day on Tuesday (do have a look at the video!) and ending with some glorious sunshine. We hope the children have a lovely weekend but do hope they all stay safe and drink plenty of water. As the weather is currently forecast to remain nice week it is important the children all have  a named sunhat and water bottle please.


On to our brilliant book...


Infant 1- Lillie-Mae has had a fantastic week. On Wednesday all the children put on a show for Mrs Brown and Lillie-Mae was brilliant at organising everyone and telling the story. She did this in a very kind and gentle way and wasn't bossy with her friends. She has also done some careful detailed drawing this week, taking real pride in her work- well done!

Anders- for showing our value of friendship.  Anders is always kind and caring with his friends. He tries to involve everyone in games and take care of younger children.


Infant 2- Scarlett for great maths work transferring data from a tally to a bar chart and presenting her work beautifully.

Cameron- for showing great support and encouragement to both infant 1 and 2 during sports day practise.

Writer of the week- Ella S for a great recount of her seaside holiday using lovely handwriting and producing lots more than she ever has before!


Junior 1- Krishan and Rhona- for being fantastic buddies to reception children this afternoon. We did some paired reading between year 3 and reception and they were so sensitive and encouraging to the younger children.


Junior 2- Lukas and Tyler- for both being really good role models to the younger children during university day.


Next Tuesday  is sports day at 1.30pm we do hope you can join us for the afternoon!
