Diversity at Gunthorpe
All last half term we were looking at our whole school value of Respect. Our bible verse that underpins this value is Matthew 7:12 - The Golden Rule “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets"
This year we wanted to encourage the children to think about the diversity of our world and consider how they would show respect in the face of issues such as racism, disability, sexism and homophobia. We wanted the children to be challenged to think differently about respecting themself and the respect they show to others.
Over the half term in our collective worship assemblies we looked at the lives of individuals such as Martin Luther King Jnr, Rosa Parks and Paralympians including Richard Whitehead. We purchased a range of new texts for children to share in class and invested in more multicultural play resources in Infant 1.
Over the last week the children accessed a range of different activities and created some fantastic work reflecting on what they had learnt. We had hoped to be able to share this with the whole school however due to a covid outbreak this was not possible. We have however attached photos of the work produced below for you to enjoy.