90kg Fair Trade Rice Challenge
As mentioned in the newsletter that went out just before half term, we are supporting fair trade fortnight at Gunthorpe launching this week with the 90kg rice challenge. This challenge is taken by over 800 schools, churches and fair trade groups across the county.
It is an opportunity to think of innovative ways to sell the rice and to encourage and inspire children to understand what fair trade means. 90kg is the amount of rice a farmer in Malawi has to sell to enable him to send a child to secondary school for a year. This is an opportunity these Malawian children would not otherwise get and one which we, working together as a school, can provide. We have ordered 90 1kg bags of rice and these will be available to purchase directly from school.
You are welcome to come into school and pay via cash or cheque or you can order via parent pay. Each bag costs £3.05 and there is no limit on how many you can purchase until they are all sold! We will be having a competition to see which class can sell the most bags and the individual pupil who sells the most will win a fair trade Easter egg.