
CofE Primary School

Feeding Minds, Touching Hearts

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Marvellous Monday 29th March

What a fantastic week we had at Gunthorpe last week. It was great to be able to start using the field as the weather improves.


Parents evening went really well using school cloud.  We have provided an opportunity for you to feedback how it went from your perspective and comments on how your child is getting on this year please do take a minute to complete this for us.


A big well done to those who got their values pebbles this week!


In our brilliant book this week:


Infant 1- Well done to Lewis for being a brilliant mathematician and not just in the maths sessions but when playing in the making area, outside and in his play.  He was so confident in assembly able to answer some super tricky questions! 

Well done to Kitty for you positive and happy attitude towards school.  It is so lovely to see you being so much more confident when you are here.


Infant 2- A huge well done to Ben and Jake who met their writing targets and wrote some beautiful character description for the big bad wolf last week.  I was so impressed with their writing both presentation and all the features they have included.

Henry was also in the brilliant book for his superb maths all week especially using his knowledge of halving and dividing by 2 to answer worded questions.


Junior 1-A big well done to Lyla P and Megan for their fantastic RE writing retelling the story of Holy Week.


Junior 2- Well done to Rhona and Kai.  Rhona has been working really hard in maths to find the mean average and Kai really impressed Mrs Shaw with his presentation and effort for his flying pigs newspaper report.


